The 5 Important Things To Always Check On Your Car (Especially In Winter)

The time of bad weather is now upon us. Winter is not a good time to have car problems, which is why I am taking my car to the dealership! This is my list of the five most important parts to check when I go to the dealership. Even though I am preparing for winter weather, these are steps that can be taken for any type of weather (especially extreme conditions like monsoons, hurricanes, or any other kind of bad weather). Preparing you car will not only save your life, but will also spare you from an unnecessary financial burden!

1. Tire Tread

Sometimes people worry so much about tire pressure that they actually forget about the tread. Folks, tire tread can be what saves you from a terrible accident. Tread is what gives your tires traction. Traction is important in any kind of weather, but most of all during slippery and wet conditions. Winter is the time of snow, slush and freezing rain and it won't be good to get stuck in inclement weather with bad tread on your tires! 

2. Lights

It is one of my pet peeves when I am driving in bad weather (not voluntarily) and I have to jam my brakes because the car in front of me didn't have working brake lights. It is even worse when they don't have working headlights...ugh. 

3. Windshield Wiper 

CHANGE. THEM. Make sure they are fully-functioning and ready to take on whatever winter may throw at it. In general, these should be changed every 3-4 months.

4. Antifreeze

Proper amounts of antifreeze will keep your car running and functioning as it should in the harsh winter weather. It lowers the freezing point and is used to prevent the water in the engine and radiator from freezing. In summer, coolant does the opposite - it increases the boiling point of the water. Antifreeze also helps to clear up the windshield! 

5. Brakes

Brakes, brakes, brakes. This is probably the most important part on your car and should be taken for regular maintenance. Malfunctioning brakes are not something you want to risk having. It makes all the difference when a car juts in front of you at the last second on an icy road. 

If you think there is anything else that should be checked, please comment below! 

 Stay warm and drive safely!